What is Inner Harmony?
It’s been said that all negative emotion is due to an ignorance of true inner nature. Ever wondered what it would be like to achieve inner harmony? Any Eighties baby who watched, open-mouthed, as Bruce Leroy scoured the Bronx in search of the Glow, undoubtedly has Inner Harmony somewhere on their dream board. The Last Dragon said that one could achieve the Glow if the body, mind, and spirit became one. Only then would they be a true master. It can be impossible to know for sure if complete inner harmony is even a thing. Of course, there are Gurus, Monks, and Priests that publicly give off the demeanor of perfect harmony, but how do they act in their private time? Better yet, does that even matter? Even when you live with someone, can you know for certain if they are always harmonious? I was watching Tom Hanks portray Mr. Rogers when the protagonist in the story asked his wife how Rogers always remained so calm. His wife said that he wasn’t perfect, and that his demeanor was ...