Re-animating Fossilized Animals

jurassic park

Ever since Michael Crichton brought Doctor Wu to life in Jurassic Park, and fans flocked to watch Wu bring Dinosaurs to life from the blood of preserved mosquitos, the debate about re-animating the dead or extinct has been ongoing.

The closest we’ve come to manufacturing a real dinosaur, has been in the lab where we’ve turned back time a litte bit in chickens.

Because birds evolved from dinosaurs, by simply losing their tails and transforming their arms into wings, it would reason that turning back the clock on that evolution would produce a proper replica.

But, I use the term manufacture, because, making something that looks like a dino would be easier than producing an exact clone.

In most cloning a nucleus of the animal is swapped with the nucleus of an egg, because the nucleus contains most of the information needed. Finding an entire nucleus of a long extinct animal is unlikely.

Though, there has been talk of trying to ressurect the wholly mammoth from such well-preserved specimens, found in perma frost.

Physics, today, claim that an observer has a sizable effect on the outcome of experiments, and Dr. Datson is relying heavily on that when it comes to his theory of re-animating fossils.

His theory holds that dormant mitochondria in the creatures, could be harmonized with electrons of the same frequency, and stimulated into re-animation.

The shape and memory of the creature is what is most important to the possibility, he says. There is still a scaffolding.

Belief imparts reality, he says. One can stare at a rock for as long as you like, even if it is shaped like a dinosaur, and the rock won’t come to life.

But, place it in the right conditions, and give it some privacy, and magic things can happen.

A magician doesn’t transmutate or dissolve a prop without first covering the prop with a sheet!

For that reason he thinks sublimation (solids turning directly to gasses) is the key. Just as dry ice forms a thick fog, so would his elements, when kept near absolute zero and then introduced to the fossils.

Interested in the outcome?

Read Fossil Fuel by Jay Horne for FREE on Bookflurry.

Also available on kindle and as a paperback on Amazon.

What do you think? Should things that die, stay dead?

Jay Horne is an author and publisher out of Bradenton, Florida. He is a husband and father of four.
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