Pass Me Over

What is sacrifice?

pass over
Copyright 2021 Bookflurry Inc.

I love it when people post a tiny piece of a picture and have you guess what the image might be. It reminds me that we all see only a small part of our journey.

Additionally, the puzzle reminds us of how great and sometimes grave our imaginations really are. You can’t say you’ve never been briefly worried that you might zoom out and see a hairy nipple rather than a cute puppy smiling back.

Can we assume that Jesus knew, as he held up his unleavened bread during the last supper, that the bread would be transformed into his body if he put it into his mouth and chewed?

Yes. Just as he knew that if he drank the wine from the cup it would, by the power of transformation, become his blood.

After all, that is what the body does. It takes in things and turns them into human. A spinach here and a carrot there, a glass of water and voila. The body does the rest.

What if, like Siddhartha, who once finally loved a stone for being more than a stone, Jesus already saw the big picture?

His refusal to take the bread and wine at the last supper was his most sacred sacrifice. He already solved the tiny picture puzzle; saw that the bread and wine, through transformation, were already part of his body.

His life was no longer his. He had already given it to God.

At supper, he was physically giving us his body and blood. That which would become it.

What was there to lose? One last taste of bread. One last glass of wine…

Our most perverted and deadly criminals are offered as much. God bless them.

Bread and wine. It’s what men were made of then. Even now.

“When you do it, remember me.”

…and we remember that he didn’t. At a time that any man would be justified a drink. At that time, he didn’t.

If Jesus’s sacrifice taught us anything, it’s that a proper sacrifice is not one of body, mind, or spirit.

Lay the argument that Jesus sacrificed his body to rest. That was not his sacrifice, it was ours, and our father’s. We are not meant to be martyrs.

Our sacrifice is only of our sins, and it is done in the good name of God.

Just as the lord led the Jews out of slavery in Egypt. Once they sacrificed their daily routines for the instructions that he had left for them in Exodus, the Jews were eagerly moved toward liberation and freedom.

The blood of perfect sacrifices, smeared over their residences, kept them safe when judgement passed over.

Plague comes in many forms. A quick look at the world shows destruction at every doorstep. But there is also beauty.

There are those who reciprocate destruction by spreading its word. Yet, there are those that reciprocate beauty by spreading the word of the lord.

Followers of Christ cannot wage war on the ugly. We can only drown it in the blessings of endless beauty.

The roses need not more thorns, but more petals!

A perfect sacrifice sometimes is as simple as trading a paintbrush of destruction for one of beauty. Both are avenues of our God-given ability to create.

But a Good Father only encourages one.

Jay Horne is an author and publisher out of Bradenton, Florida. He is a husband and father of four.
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