An Unusual Sky

 What color is the sun?

It was the most beautiful view you could ever imagine.

That evening, my daughter and I were having an insightful discussion about the many different colors of the sun.

“Some say that if you look at the sun just a little longer than is well-advised, you will see that there are two more suns hiding in there,” I said. The sun was still safely peeking through the voids in the palms as we walked the garden path toward the sea.

It twinkled through in slivers above. She stopped and let go of my hand and just looked through the natural filter from the shade.

“I see it!” she said. “It flashed from white to silvery pink. And there is a black one, too.”

Morgan had been lucky to catch the sun in its full glory. It must’ve been taking a break from hiding beneath sheets of dark rainless clouds…

The palms rubbed in the gentle air. I took her hand and smiled on our way. The soil was getting a little sandier now.

The plum trees marked the end of the garden walk. Ripe fruits bowed over the corner of a burgundy picket fence, their color reminding me of my wife.

We carried our sandals. The mangrove thins.

Endless sand sparkling between our toes in twilight.

The normally golden coin is cloaked in ribbons. Depositing itself slowly into the giant pastel piggy bank that is the horizon.

The beach meets the water like a bruise rather than its average dimpled grey and shelly shore. The sea foam rolls and drifts like blackberry meringue.

The mangrove is behind us, and we stand together, father and daughter, looking out over a live Van Gogh. Now, the sunset is Angela’s favorite color. Who’d have thought it could ever be so beautiful?

This article was inspired by an article on Get Pocket about Advice from James Baldwin.

What color did you see in my sunset?

Jay Horne is an author and publisher out of Bradenton, Florida. He is a husband and father of four.
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