The Petrifying Life of a Tree

He ate fruit from it as a toddler. He played in its branches as an adolescent. He fell in love under it, while picnicking, as a teenager. He chopped it down and made a house out of it as an adult. Then, as an old man, he sat on the stump to think about his oldest and most useful acquaintance.
Boy, did he see that trees were really useful!
It took an awful long time for him to listen to a tree's advice. Perhaps, if he weren't so busy making something out of it, he would have heard the tree's whisper before it was gone.
Has anyone ever been still enough to hear your whisper?
A tree has.
You know, trees have been found to have extraordinary capabilities. They can react to painful stimuli. Trees can communicate with other trees and animals. They can even defend themselves. Did you know the largest living organism on the planet is a grove of trees in California connected entirely at the roots? Also, If you refrigerate a seed prior to planting it, you can get it to germinate out of season.
It remembers the cold!
What a thing, a tree!
Can you remember a great legend?
A centuries old manuscript called the Book of Taliesin records it.
An entire forest was animated and used to fight as Gwydion's army in The Battle of the Trees.
The nature of trees can surprise you!
Has a person ever surprised you?
Indeed, even we are useful tools, like trees.
Eventually, someone will come along with their knife or axe and whittle us down into whatever it is they need us to be the most.
Unless they listen for the whisper.
It takes less patience and kindness, just to hack away at someone until they do what you like, than it does to smile at a person's potential.
How many times has a single breath saved you from a bad decision?
That was a tree considering you more important than its own hasty ambitions...
Do you have hasty ambitions?
We often learn too late and offer repayment as a stern thank you after crafting a thousand canoes...
How many forests of people must be felled? What right do we have to craft our children; qualifications include showing up on the planet a few years earlier than they? Should we really believe we were here first?
I'm certain we all came from the same dust.
No trees were harmed in the production of this article.

He ate fruit from it as a toddler. He played in its branches as an adolescent. He fell in love under it, while picnicking, as a teenager. He chopped it down and made a house out of it as an adult. Then, as an old man, he sat on the stump to think about his oldest and most useful acquaintance.
Boy, did he see that trees were really useful!
It took an awful long time for him to listen to a tree's advice. Perhaps, if he weren't so busy making something out of it, he would have heard the tree's whisper before it was gone.
Has anyone ever been still enough to hear your whisper?
A tree has.
You know, trees have been found to have extraordinary capabilities. They can react to painful stimuli. Trees can communicate with other trees and animals. They can even defend themselves. Did you know the largest living organism on the planet is a grove of trees in California connected entirely at the roots? Also, If you refrigerate a seed prior to planting it, you can get it to germinate out of season.
It remembers the cold!
What a thing, a tree!
Can you remember a great legend?
A centuries old manuscript called the Book of Taliesin records it.
An entire forest was animated and used to fight as Gwydion's army in The Battle of the Trees.
The nature of trees can surprise you!
Has a person ever surprised you?
Indeed, even we are useful tools, like trees.
Eventually, someone will come along with their knife or axe and whittle us down into whatever it is they need us to be the most.
Unless they listen for the whisper.
It takes less patience and kindness, just to hack away at someone until they do what you like, than it does to smile at a person's potential.
How many times has a single breath saved you from a bad decision?
That was a tree considering you more important than its own hasty ambitions...
Do you have hasty ambitions?
We often learn too late and offer repayment as a stern thank you after crafting a thousand canoes...
How many forests of people must be felled? What right do we have to craft our children; qualifications include showing up on the planet a few years earlier than they? Should we really believe we were here first?
I'm certain we all came from the same dust.
No trees were harmed in the production of this article.
-Jay M Horne
Jay Horne is an author and publisher out of Bradenton, Florida who has shared a genuine interest in philosophy and writing since early childhood. He is a husband and father of four. Jay enjoys writing fiction, humor, horror, and teen & young adult.
View all of his professional and philosophical works of literature on his Amazon author page where you will find blogs, videos, and free excerpts:
Jay M Horne
Jay Horne is an author and publisher out of Bradenton, Florida who has shared a genuine interest in philosophy and writing since early childhood. He is a husband and father of four. Jay enjoys writing fiction, humor, horror, and teen & young adult.
View all of his professional and philosophical works of literature on his Amazon author page where you will find blogs, videos, and free excerpts:
Jay M Horne
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