Beast Mode for Modern Man
Modern Man is an umbrella term, but in this instance I am defining it loosely by my own led life as a husband and father of four near my forties. What can be more modern than not telling your three-year-old to quit whining and instead empathizing with them on how frustrating it might be for them that their Barbie's dress just won't pull up over her little needle fingers. How modern am I that my thirteen-year-old son is flailing around like a turkey in a virtual reality headset while my fifteen-year-old daughter records it on her i-phone for immediate upload to Instagram, where she likely charges her 'Close friends' a dollar a month for her premium on-line posts. I've become so modern that exercise seems ineffective while saving money and spending time have become commodities. A job, a career, and a side-hustle threaten to squash hobbies I once loved. What other can I do but adapt and overcome?
Nut-up or shut-up; you can do it with Beast Mode.
For every complaint there is a cure, and the mountain of cures on top of complaints continues to grow as fast as the internet can manufacture them. Are you miserable? Do this meditation exercise. Are you fat? Try juicing or intermittent fasting. No energy? Make time for this exercise program or routine. With every single band-aid more of our time gets chipped away, and as we near middle-age, we start to realize that time really does equal money. In a maelstrom of products, ideas, suggestions, and routines I turned to research before things got any more complicated.
Why my exercise was less effective now, was the first thing I wanted to tackle. Making more money and spending time with my family were issues, too, but I first dove into the world-wide-web of research on myself. I figured if I'm not right with myself then there will be no making money or spending time.
I stumbled across some studies done on elderly adults and their bodies ability to use protein to build muscle mass. It turns out that as an adult we need twice the amount of protein to feed our muscles than we did when we were younger. Where as we used to need .25 grams of protein per kilogram as young bucks, we now need .4 grams per kilograms as middle-aged men. The numbers came in as to how we synthesize these proteins, too. A whey protein shake seems best and the protein
from that shake will actually become part of your muscle tissue within two hours of ingesting it. It's a fact. They actually inked the proteins in beef and followed them through radiology to the muscle cells to find out! Also, the uptake of those inked proteins was intensely more prominent after the muscle had been worked. If the proteins were ingested by a person on bed rest nearly all of the protein passes right through the system.
I was on the right track! I could see how I might be able to adjust my old time-consuming workout regimens to share in the same results. I would need to structure short interval strength training or kid intensive activity right before meals or better yet a 40 gram protein shake. This finding made me question my bodies ability to uptake water.
If strength training increased the uptake of protein, could cardio increase the uptake for healthy liquids?
I am still waiting for someone to prove me wrong, but I'd wager that the body stores fats rather than water in our adipose tissue when it has no other choice. I ran across an article that explained how the body burns its fat stores and was surprised to find that those fat stores are also packed with all of the nasty toxins I was entertaining while it stored them. Yes, so while I decided just to booze out because working out wasn't getting me anywhere, my body stored away fat laced with those unhealthy habits. When I started working out and burning those stores, my body had to fight some pretty ugly battles. The best thing I could do was structure my routine in a way that my cardio would follow an intermittent fast, and pure water would follow my cardio. This way the nasty fat stores were being immediately replaced with H20. My hypothesis was further concluded when I found that a high-protein diet can be dehydrating. The whole thing was like a dance. I could see it come together in a flawless routine, Beast Mode.
I would get up, drink a bottle of water and do 20 minutes of strength training before work. Down a 40 gram protein shake before I showered and be sure to fast and stretch while on the job. When I got home it was a quick 20 minute cardio workout followed by a couple of bottles of water and rest and relaxation over a real dinner of substance. Then it was back to bed to start again. I topped the whole thing off with a rule to only drink alcohol on weekends. There it was, winner winner chicken dinner.
As far as financial planning went, the plan was to save the most amount of money in the shortest period of time possible. That meant, trading my time for money in the form of working as many hours as possible.
As much as I would love to be able to save fifty percent of my income, making ends meet in middle class America, and the threat of my my wife lynching me for not being able to buy groceries forced me to start out by funneling fourteen percent into my 401k. This I slowly inch up every month in hopes of no one (my wife and I) noticing the impact on our day-to-day. This chart I found inspired me to really look at being frugal fast.
The path to knowledge is a forced one. In order to learn we must be pushed. On the path to knowledge, we are always fighting something, avoiding something, preparing for something, and that something is always inexplicable, greater and more powerful than us. -Carlos Castaneda
I don't know why that quote comes to mind, but it seemed appropriate. Adapting in a whirlwind of responsibilities was was my push to prepare for a future that was greater and more powerful.
After the changes I implemented and when I went at them in a concise way Beast Mode was the trimmest way of making things happen for me instead of against me. It takes three months for the body's muscles to reproduce themselves entirely, and in that time your mind will become clearer, aggravations will disappear, and you'll find yourself happier and healthier. Experiencing positive growth in the form of your own body will lead to positive change in other areas of your life. It's viral. Try Beast Mode for yourself and share your results.
-Jay M Horne
Jay Horne is an author and publisher out of Bradenton, Florida who has shared a genuine interest in philosophy and martial arts since early childhood. He is a husband and father of four.
View all of his professional and philosophical works of literature on his Amazon author page where you will find blogs, videos, and free excerpts:
Jay M Horne
Nut-up or shut-up; you can do it with Beast Mode.
For every complaint there is a cure, and the mountain of cures on top of complaints continues to grow as fast as the internet can manufacture them. Are you miserable? Do this meditation exercise. Are you fat? Try juicing or intermittent fasting. No energy? Make time for this exercise program or routine. With every single band-aid more of our time gets chipped away, and as we near middle-age, we start to realize that time really does equal money. In a maelstrom of products, ideas, suggestions, and routines I turned to research before things got any more complicated.
Why my exercise was less effective now, was the first thing I wanted to tackle. Making more money and spending time with my family were issues, too, but I first dove into the world-wide-web of research on myself. I figured if I'm not right with myself then there will be no making money or spending time.
I stumbled across some studies done on elderly adults and their bodies ability to use protein to build muscle mass. It turns out that as an adult we need twice the amount of protein to feed our muscles than we did when we were younger. Where as we used to need .25 grams of protein per kilogram as young bucks, we now need .4 grams per kilograms as middle-aged men. The numbers came in as to how we synthesize these proteins, too. A whey protein shake seems best and the protein
from that shake will actually become part of your muscle tissue within two hours of ingesting it. It's a fact. They actually inked the proteins in beef and followed them through radiology to the muscle cells to find out! Also, the uptake of those inked proteins was intensely more prominent after the muscle had been worked. If the proteins were ingested by a person on bed rest nearly all of the protein passes right through the system.
I was on the right track! I could see how I might be able to adjust my old time-consuming workout regimens to share in the same results. I would need to structure short interval strength training or kid intensive activity right before meals or better yet a 40 gram protein shake. This finding made me question my bodies ability to uptake water.
If strength training increased the uptake of protein, could cardio increase the uptake for healthy liquids?
I am still waiting for someone to prove me wrong, but I'd wager that the body stores fats rather than water in our adipose tissue when it has no other choice. I ran across an article that explained how the body burns its fat stores and was surprised to find that those fat stores are also packed with all of the nasty toxins I was entertaining while it stored them. Yes, so while I decided just to booze out because working out wasn't getting me anywhere, my body stored away fat laced with those unhealthy habits. When I started working out and burning those stores, my body had to fight some pretty ugly battles. The best thing I could do was structure my routine in a way that my cardio would follow an intermittent fast, and pure water would follow my cardio. This way the nasty fat stores were being immediately replaced with H20. My hypothesis was further concluded when I found that a high-protein diet can be dehydrating. The whole thing was like a dance. I could see it come together in a flawless routine, Beast Mode.
I would get up, drink a bottle of water and do 20 minutes of strength training before work. Down a 40 gram protein shake before I showered and be sure to fast and stretch while on the job. When I got home it was a quick 20 minute cardio workout followed by a couple of bottles of water and rest and relaxation over a real dinner of substance. Then it was back to bed to start again. I topped the whole thing off with a rule to only drink alcohol on weekends. There it was, winner winner chicken dinner.
As far as financial planning went, the plan was to save the most amount of money in the shortest period of time possible. That meant, trading my time for money in the form of working as many hours as possible.
As much as I would love to be able to save fifty percent of my income, making ends meet in middle class America, and the threat of my my wife lynching me for not being able to buy groceries forced me to start out by funneling fourteen percent into my 401k. This I slowly inch up every month in hopes of no one (my wife and I) noticing the impact on our day-to-day. This chart I found inspired me to really look at being frugal fast.
The path to knowledge is a forced one. In order to learn we must be pushed. On the path to knowledge, we are always fighting something, avoiding something, preparing for something, and that something is always inexplicable, greater and more powerful than us. -Carlos Castaneda
I don't know why that quote comes to mind, but it seemed appropriate. Adapting in a whirlwind of responsibilities was was my push to prepare for a future that was greater and more powerful.
After the changes I implemented and when I went at them in a concise way Beast Mode was the trimmest way of making things happen for me instead of against me. It takes three months for the body's muscles to reproduce themselves entirely, and in that time your mind will become clearer, aggravations will disappear, and you'll find yourself happier and healthier. Experiencing positive growth in the form of your own body will lead to positive change in other areas of your life. It's viral. Try Beast Mode for yourself and share your results.
-Jay M Horne
Jay Horne is an author and publisher out of Bradenton, Florida who has shared a genuine interest in philosophy and martial arts since early childhood. He is a husband and father of four.
View all of his professional and philosophical works of literature on his Amazon author page where you will find blogs, videos, and free excerpts:
Jay M Horne
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