Am I odd for smiling when I know the joke is on me?

Am I odd for smiling when I know the joke is on me? Very few people have quite the ability to make me laugh as I do for myself. I once occupied an outpost while fantasizing over doing a number two as I readied myself to become a Navy Seal with Bud/s class 243 in Coronado, California. I had been the lucky recipient of night watch duty just before hell week and was looking forward to starting my sleepless week of rigorous exercise on no sleep to begin with. The rules are simple on watch. Don't abandon your post. Being as the twin towers had just been struck down, we were considered under a time of war, and the word was that abandoning your post during such time was a sentence of death. I can't remember how long the watch lasted but I do recall the regrets I felt for sneaking out with a couple of the guys for drinks the night before, because they were manifesting ...