
Showing posts from September, 2019

Am I odd for smiling when I know the joke is on me?

           Am I odd for smiling when I know the joke is on me? Very few people have quite the ability to make me laugh as I do for myself.      I once occupied an outpost while fantasizing over doing a number two as I readied myself to become a Navy Seal with Bud/s class 243 in Coronado, California. I had been the lucky recipient of night watch duty just before hell week and was looking forward to starting my sleepless week of rigorous exercise on no sleep to begin with.      The rules are simple on watch. Don't abandon your post.      Being as the twin towers had just been struck down, we were considered under a time of war, and the word was that abandoning your post during such time was a sentence of death.      I can't remember how long the watch lasted but I do recall the regrets I felt for sneaking out with a couple of the guys for drinks the night before, because they were manifesting ...

Beast Mode for Modern Man

     Modern Man is an umbrella term, but in this instance I am defining it loosely by my own led life as a husband and father of four near my forties. What can be more modern than not telling your three-year-old to quit whining and instead empathizing with them on how frustrating it might be for them that their Barbie's dress just won't pull up over her little needle fingers. How modern am I that my thirteen-year-old son is flailing around like a turkey in a virtual reality headset while my fifteen-year-old daughter records it on her i-phone for immediate upload to Instagram, where she likely charges her 'Close friends' a dollar a month for her premium on-line posts. I've become so modern that exercise seems ineffective while saving money and spending time have become commodities. A job, a career, and a side-hustle threaten to squash hobbies I once loved. What other can I do but adapt and overcome?      Nut-up or shut-up; you can do it with Beast Mode. ...

Do you get it?

I have to wake up for work in the morning... I have to get my clothes from the washer and put them on, while brushing my teeth and hair... I have to kiss the wife and children goodbye as I rush out the door for work... I have to work........ I have to spend a little time with the kids when I get home... I have to shower and listen to my wife... I have to go to bed... I get to sleep... I get to open my eyes in the morning beside my lovely wife... I get to take my clothes from the laundry and get to brush my teeth and hair... I get to kiss my wife and kids before I get to leave for work... I get to work... I get to spend a little time with my kids when I get home... I get to shower and listen to my wife... I get to go to bed... I get it, do you? -Jay M Horne Jay Horne is an author and publisher out of Bradenton, Florida who has shared a genuine interest in philosophy and martial arts since early childhood. He is a husband and father of four. View...

Boldly Go

     To boldly go, is to go boldly where no man has before, whether into the thicker font of a more deeply dipped pen, or into the throes of various venereal diseases. Where are those places where men go to be called bold?      Frontiers are the obvious answer, whether into the final one called marriage or away from the slow drag of high-speed fios in the back of a Nissan with William Shatner.      To venture bravely into space is to be as bold as the darkness enveloping the shi p on a moonless and cloudy night while it slides along the sea, sending ripples out into the vastness of time, only resonating soundly when they strike a shore. Beaches are like the objects in the night sky, beacons of hope. Final destinations beckoning bottles set adrift, their weight warping space-time into children's coin-funnels.      Boldness won. Change at the bottom of a well, relinquished merrily for a child's smile yet the rapacity of...

Bunnies will make you happy that you jogged

     I will normally start my day off with a three mile jog along Anna Maria Island, if I don't opt to go for the full six mile loop up the center of the island and then back down the surf's edge. I'm the guy in the split-toed tabi shoes you've seen weekly for the past few years sprinting (but these days trudging) along the gulf coast. I have been a serious writer for the better part of a decade, yet ask me and I will tell you that I take nothing seriously.      Ever since I can remember, I have always loved the outdoors. I can't tell you how many times I almost didn't go for my jog, and then in some moment during it, had a short experience of God's beauty all over again. The sun rising over the water's edge as a great song ques up in my headphones, or a tree so gigantic, that I wonder how I never knew it was always there; those things are so remarkable that you cannot help but be in the moment and be thankful.       Bradenton, Florida...

YOGA: How to know if your mind is clear

     If you control your physical body (as in, you do not make any unnecessary  movements throughout your day), fifteen percent of your destiny will be in  your hands.      Controlling your physical body is what yoga is about.   When you consciously breath and move your limbs, you are in control. yes or no?       When you punch a hole in the wall out of anger, both your physical and mental  faculties are not under your control. yes or no?      If you JUST control your physical body you will gain control of fifteen  percent of your destiny, according to Sadghuru .      Fifteen percent is a good start on a return. Yes or no?      Start by controlling just your physical body. Don't twitch, don't tick,  don't open your mouth too quickly to answer questions, and don't scratch every  itch. Now you will all start scratching. LOL.      Fo...