Scientifically Speaking- We can tell the future

There is no denying that the ultimate power man could posses would be the ability to see into the future.

     Arguably, the imagination can be so vivid, that we can falsely believe we posses some of this power in minute portions. As it stands, we rely totally on our memory and imagination to reach out and envision our past and future. But, what if there were a way to know what will happen next, for certain?

    Einstein called, what we know of today as 'quantum entanglement', 'spooky action' of quantum particles. 'Spooky' because there is no tangible explanation as to how two particles, once entangled, can arrive at the same conclusion even when separated by huge amounts of space.
     Schrödinger's cat was an example of the basic conundrum. Theoretically, if a cat is in a box and makes no noise, you cannot know if it is dead or alive until you open the box. However, some would argue that you may know by the smell.
     This same concept also holds true when it comes to particle physics.
     A physicist splits a photon and puts the two halves in separate boxes and then ships the boxes to opposite sides of the globe. Photons are easy to use in this experiment because the pieces spin around each other in opposite directions. Thus, if one half is spinning up, the other half will be spinning down, and vice versa. Mathematical equations will show that before opening each box, there is a numeral set for the value of 'unknown'. The unknown value of the unopened box leaves the final product of the equation with a slightly higher multiplier. The reason for this is because subatomic particles exist in a state of flux until observed. Technically, you could have an upward spinning electron on both ends until you look at one and collapse the waveform into a certainty. If upward spin equals one and downward spin equals negative one, then before the box is opened you could really have a product of two, even though the original net was zero.

     Einstein theorized that unseen variables may exist during this experiment, from the time the particle is split, and that the spin may in fact be predetermined. But, Bohr's box experiment won the day and showed that entanglement is, in fact, a thing.
     Now, a team of physicists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have successfully shown that photons can successfully be entangled  with one another, even if one photon is long dead or from a totally different time altogether. Scientifically speaking, if you open one box today, and another box in ten years, you have technically told the future.
     The question begs to be answered, how much power exists in being able to tell the future? Quantum computers will try and answer that in the years to come.
     However, for man, and all of his knowledge, we still can't take a single step with complete certainty of our foot falling onto solid ground. We still only imagine in probabilities. Though your experience and all of your imagination may tell you that solid ground is a certainty, there still exists that one-in-a-trillion chance that a freak earthquake will open underfoot and send you tumbling into an abyss.
     In reality, there are no certainties. Well, death and taxes.
    And yet, there still remains one clear path to actually telling the future and unlocking personal power along the way. Any yogi, spiritual mystic, religious beacon, or centenarian will tell you. There is nothing outside of yourself that is predictable. The only true outcome that you can completely control is your own reaction to emotion. You can say, without a doubt, "No matter what happens, I will be joyful."
     A woman once lay in her bed, eyes wet with tears from the cancer. She was thanking God.
"Oh, thank you, Lord. Please, continue to bring me just a bit more pain, so that I can enjoy just a little more of your sweet and beautiful life's nectar!"
     Spin up, spin down.
If you cannot predict your own thankfulness and joyfulness, keep practicing.
     Every second, of every hour, of every day, of every year, only occurs once in the existence of the universe. If you need something to be thankful for, you're presented something every moment.

-Jay M Horne
Jay Horne is an author and publisher out of Bradenton, Florida who has shared a genuine interest in philosophy and writing since early childhood. He is a husband and father of four. Jay enjoys writing fiction, humor, horror, and teen & young adult.

View all of his professional and philosophical works of literature on his Amazon author page where you will find blogs, videos, and free excerpts:

Jay M Horne


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