Scientifically Speaking- We can tell the future

There is no denying that the ultimate power man could posses would be the ability to see into the future. Arguably, the imagination can be so vivid, that we can falsely believe we posses some of this power in minute portions. As it stands, we rely totally on our memory and imagination to reach out and envision our past and future. But, what if there were a way to know what will happen next, for certain? Einstein called, what we know of today as 'quantum entanglement', 'spooky action' of quantum particles. 'Spooky' because there is no tangible explanation as to how two particles, once entangled, can arrive at the same conclusion even when separated by huge amounts of space. Schrödinger's cat was an example of the basic conundrum. Theoretically, if a cat is in a box and makes no noise, you cannot know if it is dead or alive until you open the box. However, some would argue that you may know by the smell. ...