How I learned to enjoy the imperfect

I realized that I really had no control over how fast Life offered up its goods when death came. At least, I realized it for a brief time. Old habits die hard- no pun intended. When I was just a boy, I recall wanting everything now. Now, now, now. For everything I found interest, I really went for it. I wanted to be the best baseball player without ever swinging a bat. I wanted to be the fastest runner without ever competing in track. I wanted the newest, best toys, without ever doing my chores. As I aged into my teens and began working a part-time job, this ignorant desire for instant gratification followed me. I spent money as fast as I made it, and even money I had not earned yet. My abundant desire for more was nothing to be ashamed about, as I look back, I can see that it was simply a desire for a more full experience of what life had to offer; a yearning for some perfection. I would ask my...