Never Favor

Making choices is inescapable. Or is it? I know my wife must sometimes take my non-opinionated viewpoint as an insult when she asks me where we should have dinner, or what we should do for fun. My answer is normally, "I don't care," or "whatever you like." It was just something that had become so ingrained in me that it was hard to make choices anymore. Maybe it was largely due to my past experiences of disappointments, or perhaps it was just a sole remaining morsel from my brush with enlightenment a decade earlier. I suppose making any choice sets us up for possible disappointment. But, if I admit that to be the reason for my inaction I would surely be marked as one who's disagreeable to disappointment altogether. Rather I grew so used to disappointment that it became dull, and I began to ask myself if making a choice to begin with were a form of selfishness. Now as I go on in years I can see things diff...