
Showing posts from September, 2018

Man's time has come and gone. Start again with- Eve.

Father Time and Mother Earth are ideas kindled in the mind of men, are they? How deep do the roots of duality go? Find out as Jesse and Evelyn discover the dark secrets of their families' past. Make your way back to the saga that started it all ... The Tower of Babel has been cast down, segregating Pangea and Mankind alike ... Can Love reunite opposing Creeds? Their journey will make you beli eve ! EVE The Pangea Chronicles comes to life in Book Two, EVE, with Jesse and Evelyn finding their way to one another with the help of the Fae and the Djinn. The Tower has been resurrected and Adam, the child of the divine couple, grows within Eve's womb. Read 'Lilith' (est. release 2020) and journey back to the beginning, when the Fae World took its first breath just after the initial blast that created the Universe. Meet the beings of the world before life, before substance, whose thoughts mold the reality of what is to come in the World of Form. See what mistakes the...

So you wrote a book. So, what? Does anyone really care?

     Today, writing a book simply isn't enough. I can remember when I finished my first memoir . It turned out to be around two hundred and fifty pages right at the time of publication. A week or so later, a proof arrived in the mail and I could not believe it. I had written and published a book! It may have been the first thing that I had seen all the way through in my entire adult life, I was so proud of myself.      When I spoke to my father a few weeks later he was a little less ecstatic.      "Aren't books kinda going obsolete?" he asked dryly, in his 'call me when you're successful' tone.      That was more than ten years ago, and since that time, I have written and published more than twenty books of my own and hundreds for clients across the globe.      Looking back, I think his statement was far from the truth, but his tone, perhaps, was spot on.      If I had a nickel for all the peo...

The Root of Passive Aggressive Behavior

     Passive aggressive behavior is a sure sign that you are losing contact with your higher power. Higher power, to some, may be better defined as personal power, depending on differing beliefs. To me, my higher power is synonymous with my ability to remember that not trying to control things, in the name of my own personal gain, is the best decision and reaps the most rewards.      In a lot of ways, being a recovering alcoholic has made me a better parent. I look at my four kids and they remind me of a bunch of mini alcoholics; they're selfish, it's always someone else's fault, and they are always thinking about how to get what they want next.      Any time the smallest irritation starts to tingle your Medulla, you can be sure that there is something that you are wanting next that is in immediate danger of being messed with. I will be the first to admit that Jim Carey is a nut, but at one point in his spiritual searching, very early on, h...