Faith Fueled through Forgetting and Waffles

Love your waitress because happiness is in forgiving and forgetting —She'll forget. So, be prepared to forgive— May it be that forgetfulness is the secret of the stars? If it is, and you find that secret to life and existence in a waffle house book, you are most definitely not the kind of person who will remember that said secret, then furthermore, apply it, and even if you happen to break free of that stereotype, then would you not be simply, in-turn, violating the greatest secret of the stars themselves anyhow? Since we have discovered that the religious man benefits more from his sacrifices by maintaining a positively active and healthy state of mind, let us assume that our God, which we endeavor to be alike to,—indeed are even said to be made in the image of—also would benefit from a positive outlook on any negative situation he found himself in as well. Could our once and forever solitary—existing only in the void—God, momentarily aware of his exquisite loneliness in a stat...