The Only Thing I Like About Living

As Jim Gaffigan said on his comedy tour, and it applies to everything in adult life, " It's funny how our out look on alcohol changes during our lifetime. It starts out as something we know is wrong. As teenagers we say, 'I don't really like the taste of it, but it's kinda cool,' then it turns into something we think gives us confidence to fit in with the opposite sex during our early twenties, and by the time we reach our forties we're like, "Ya know what, this is the only thing I like about being alive ." He roused a laugh at that statement, but only because it's true. It's funny to think back to when we were kids and how wonderful it was to be unaccountable for our sins. I would argue that the reason alcohol, smoking, prescriptions, and illegal drugs are America's favorite past-times, has a lot to do with our desire to recapture that feeling all over again. That sense of unaccountability. Back then we were jus...