ADHD- A Weakness or a Gift?
"I remember everything." said Chris Stephens, during an interview late in August. "I remember meeting you in Memphis, Tennessee. We both worked at Kroger and I was stocking the dairy section. You came up to me with some lettuce in your hands and asked me if I trained at Kang Rhee's Pasa Ryu Kung Fu center." That was more than ten years ago. Since early last month, I have had the privilege of working on Chris's biography: A Bounty Hunter's Guide to Success , due out in early January. That much I can remember, but don't ask me too many details; that's why my computer has a save button. If someone were to ask me what I was doing ten years ago, the blank my mind drew would have been evident through my stare and a sarcastic remark would've raced to fill in the void. A super sharp memory is one of the gifts that some kids with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) are born with. Though Christop...