Gummy Vitamins Cause Cavities

The pearly whites are the first thing people see in a friendly smile. Besides the body, the teeth are among our most valuable assets. Depending on insurance, your teeth may even be more important to you than your health. Simply getting a tooth pulled today can cost upwards of one-hundred dollars. Even with the best insurance, a crown can be unaffordable, as it is considered cosmetic. Tooth decay starts with an attack on enamel in the form of acid from sugars called plaque. Plaque can be washed away fairly easily but can become tartar if let unattended too long. Upon my last visit to the dentist, I was informed that I had developed three cavities on the outside of my back teeth. This was strange because I had not changed any of my habits, and I had even been flossing regularly and taking daily vitamins.I thought nothing of it, until the other day when my wife came home from my daughter's three-year-old well check. She told me that while the docto...